News 2017

Seinäjoki INT show.
Norfolk terrier CH Mainly Apple Poppet goes Best If Breed at her last show in champion class, taking her 12th CACIB and 13th BOB. Judge Roberto Schill, Romania.
CH Beaters Babe got an EXC but wasn't placed in champion class, judge Tatjana Urek, Slovenia.

W. Helleborine "Polly" is maturing very nicely :)
"The Little NN show 2017", i.e. unofficial show for young Norfolk and Norwich terriers.
Gunnemors Gurli goes best baby bitch and BOS puppy. :)

W. Meadowsweet "Alli" is both clever and gorgeous. :)

W. Darcy "Aatu" VG/3 at the Muurame group show, judge Jasna Matejcic.
(FI CH BY CH FI WCH FI TCH Quadmir's Divine Khepri - Watermark Wolverine

FI CH Beaters Babe and Watermark Domino pass the water retrieving test and are now qualified for field trials! There is a little gundog in my English princess :)
Congratulations to Domino and owner Gabriella, well done!
Gunnemors Gurli ( FI CH SE CH Titanium Touch Of Frost - CIB NORD CH FI CH SE CH N CH Mainly Apple Poppet) 16 weeks.
Norfolk terrier CIB NORD CH FI CH S CH NO CH Mainly Jasper Willow was 2nd best male at a group show in Seinäjoki, judge Paavo Mattila.

Sweetie-pie Soulmate "Finn" celebrates his third birthday! Happy Birthday to my best friend and trusted companion in every task.
W. Helleborine "Polly" (Sweetie-pie Soulmate - FI CH Beaters Babe) 9 months.
This girl is absolutely fantastic. She is such a true springer spaniel. I absolutely adore her and so do her folks. :)
W. Candytuft "Lila" (Sweetie-pie Soulmate - FI CH Beaters Babe) 9 months.
One of my truly lovely and gorgeous girls, this one has a tad of her mother's blue blood I think... :)

W. Speedwell "Wili" enjoying summer at the cottage in the archipelago.

Ylivieska INT show.
A hot day. FI CH Beaters Babe was 3rd with a CCQ in champion class. Judge: Paul Scanlon, Ireland.
Norfolk terrier Hildur got a VG/1, she is done with shows. :)
Gunnemors Gurli 11 weeks.

Ulla made her veteran debut at the Jurva group show. Judge Pekka Teini gave her a 2nd with CCQ.

Trying a bear test with Finn. The dog is exposed to bear droppings and a bear on wheels. Finn rather thought I would be great bear food, but he also showed great confidence in me and also strong nerve construction by recovering immediately.

Celebrating the 8th birthday of the W litter, Winterbottom "Wille", Waiting "Ines" and Wolverine "Ulla". They are veterans now!
27.5.2017 Annual main springerspaniel club show, judge Marie Stowe (puppies) and Fran Glendinning (adults).
Sweetie-pie Soulmate "Finn" did super today, winning working class males with a VG, even beating a show bred dog with 10 titles!
The little girls did welll too, W. Candytuft won puppy bitch 7-9 months with an HP. W. Helleborine was second. W. Wolverine had had too many dinners, so a VG for her.

Norfolk terrier Hjalle (Mainly Jasper Willow) had an ultrasound of the heart and an electrocardiogram. His heart was found free of signs of any heart disease. :)
I had to say goodbye to the king of my heart due to his deteriorating health.
I can't believe the love of my life is gone.
FI CH Watermark Starbuck 9.4.2003-24.5.2017.

W. Wolverine "Ulla" at the Laihia group show today, 2nd in working class with EXC. Too many dinners. :) But she is a wonderful companion at shows, she hardly even needs to be on a lead. :)
Norfolk terrier Hjördis gave birth to a baby girl. Father is S CH FI CH Titanium Touch Of Frost "Snobben". Both are doing great. :)

Blood tracking test, Ilmajoki.
Sweetie-pie Soulmate "Finn" did very well and was awarded a 1st prize with an impressive 49 points out of 50! Only two dogs at the test reached that point score!

W. Dupond "Bonzo" 3 years old. Such a handsome lad. :)
Today we celebrate the Duudz, i.e. Ulla's litter of seven boys and two girls!
Aatu, Bonzo, Daddy, Tomppa, Ture, Napsu, Hugo, Dana and Deisi are 3 years old now!
The 14th birthday of the S litter, the first litter I ever bred. And my beloved Starbuck. <3
We also participated in the Vaasa INT show, judge Lotte Jörgensen, Denmark
W. Domino VG/3
W. Wolverine EXC/1 CCQ
Beaters Babe EXC/1 CCQ

My sunshine Babe is 5 years old today!
Happy Birthday to Her Rosyness!

W. Dinwiddy almost three years. The sweetest boy ever.

Watermark Startwinkle